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      1st Senegal Investment Forum - Voltares Africa signed agreement

      On July 7th and 8th, the 1st Invest in Senegal Forum took place in Dakar. In his opening speech, President Macky Sall assured that the conditions for foreign investors would be further improved. 


      Front: Sire Diallo (CEO Voltares Africa), Idrissa Doucouré (CEO ID Bio S.A.)
      Behind: Christiane Kragh (CEO Off-Grid Europe, Germany), Andreas Kohler (COO Voltares Austria), 
      Gnagna Cambel Dien (CEO Off-Grid Africa, Senegal)

      During the forum, the CEO of Voltares Africa, Sire Diallo, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ID Bio S.A., an agriculture company, regarding the development, financing, and implementation of projects in the areas of off-grid solar pumps for irrigation and water supply, cooling warehouses, and other productive use of energy projects. 


      Siré Diallo states: “Through the implementation of this MoU, Voltares Africa and ID Bio, will address one of the most major challenges of the agriculture sector, especially for the small farmers, namely the access to sustainable energy solutions, which drastically impact their livelihoods. Voltares Africa’s innovative business models promotes sustainable development through inclusive financing, replacing diesel, and increasing revenues in rural communities.” 

      “What I appreciate about Voltares Africa is its willingness to adapt to local needs and its understanding of the magnitude and urgency of the challenges we are trying to address”, said Idrissa Doucouré, CEO, ID-Bio.” 

      This agreement allows companíes like ID Bio to scale-up its services in areas often neglected. 

      It was indeed a busy week for Voltares Africa with Sire Diallo delivering a presentation at the RENPOWER Senegal Conference, focusing on the financing of the power market expansion in Senegal and moderating a session on off-grid systems.

      For more information, please visit the official websites: Forum Invest in Senegal and RENPOWER Senegal 

      If you are interested in developing projects together with Voltares Africa please send an email to