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      Voltares Founder, Cornelius Patt, to participate in UNIDO International Vienna Energy & Climate Forum

      We are pleased to share that Cornelius Put, the founder of Voltares, will be among the distinguished speakers at the upcoming UNIDO Energy and Climate Forum in Vienna, 2 - 3 Nov. 2023 



      This important event is scheduled for November 2nd and 3rd, 2023, at the Hofburg International Centre in Vienna, Austria.  The International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum will gather senior decision-makers, international experts, and stakeholders from various sectors. This two-day forum is taking place just before the United Nations Climate Conference COP 28, making it a crucial moment for discussions on global climate action and sustainable development.  Under the theme "Progress by Innovation," the Energy and Climate Forum will address key priorities, showcasing solutions implemented by governments, the private sector, academia, and stakeholders worldwide.     





      The focus will be on practical steps to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and to overcome challenges, with special attention to the African context.  We are proud to have Cornelius Patt represent Voltares at this significant event and anticipate valuable insights and contributions to the ongoing dialogue on sustainability and climate action.        



